Model Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan Islam pada SD Nasima Semarang

Fatah Syukur


Educational services marketing strategies are becoming increasingly crucial in line with the role of educational institutions. However, only a few educational institutions have implemented strategies in marketing their educational services to the public. This study examines the marketing strategy of educational services at Nasima Elementary School Semarang. This research uses a qualitative case study approach. Data related to marketing management of educational services obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation, then tested by triangulation and then analyzed. The results of this study indicate two marketing strategies by SD Nasima Semarang, namely: internal marketing and external marketing. In internal marketing, the strategy implemented is to provide direct admission policies for TK Nasima alumni, giving discounts, parenting classes, and optimizing the roles of homeroom teachers, teachers, and guardians of students. As for external marketing, the strategy is to establish partnerships with kindergartens in the Nasima market area, distribute brochures, load information about Nasima schools, install banners, strategic billboards, hold educational exhibitions, free trial classes, and open houses. The Nasima Elementary School Education Model has quite a significant opportunity because many middle-class people are aware that religion needs good quality Islamic education. On the other hand, the challenge is the provision of good quality and innovative education. In this case, SD Nasima is the first education in Semarang to hold a full-day school.


Strategy, Marketing, Education Services

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