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Issue Title
Vol 2, No 01 (2016): Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi Criticism of The Theory of The Sacred Community and Profane Society: Relevance of Durkheim’s Sociological Thinking in Discourse Enforcement of Sharia in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Mibtadin Mibtadin
Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Jurnal SMaRT Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi Penguatan Toleransi dan Identitas Sosial Melalui Halalbihalal Lintas Agama Pada Masyarakat Kampung Gendingan, Yogyakarta Abstract  PDF
Aulia Rahmawati, Joko Tri Haryanto
Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal SMaRT Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi MENGELOLA PLURALISMEMELALUI DIALOG ANTAR AGAMA (SEBUAH TINJAUAN TEORITIK) Managing PluralismThrough Interfaith Dialogue (a Theoretical Review) Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Anas Aijudin
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