Napsiah Napsiah


The majority of Balinese people embrace Hinduism and Hindu culture dominates social life in Bali Island. Besides Hindus, there are also Muslims who blend together in social life. This research aims at finding out how Muslim groups maintain their identity within the majority of Hindus. The data were collected using in-depth interviews, observation and collection of documents as secondary data to obtain additional information needed. The results showed that minority Muslim community tended to be cooperative to adopt the cultural values of the majority. This serves as social capital to build harmonious social relations with the majority group in Bali. Muslims’ effort is by means of accommodating Balinese culture such as clothing, names and house ornaments, even religious practices. In addition, respecting differences towards majority groups has become a part of their lives and expressed through cooperative attitude which is not only to local regulations but also to local customs. Economic independence is also as a modality for minority groups to sustain equal relations with the majority. Thus, they are able to survive in the majority of the Balinese Hindu community.


Social Capital; Social Identity; Culture value; Majority; Religion


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