This paper examines the chronicle of terrorism in Indonesia and the relationship
between terrorism and Islamic militancy in this nation. This research focused
on bombing cases from 2001 to 2012 Data was gathered through documentary
research including primary and secondary resources. This research shows that
after the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998, there were bomb attacks on various
targets and militant extremists were able to return to Indonesia after long period
of exile abroad. They started again their activities including disseminating their
radical ideology, building networks and recruiting new members in Indonesia, as
well as preparing for militant actions. The perpetrators of these terror attacks were
mostly associated with the Islamic radical groups like Jemaah Islamiah and Majlis
Mujahidin Indonesia. These two militant groups had a close relationship with Darul
Islam, an organization founded during the colonial era that aimed to establish an
Islamic state and to apply Syariah as a state law. In addition, both groups became a
political window for al-Qaeda in Indonesia.
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